Engaging change makers

We partner with diverse organizations, stakeholders and industry leaders to invest in the academic and career development of future professionals, ensuring they receive a high-quality, relevant education.
Our strategic partners
- Life for Lives
- Plataforma Go Recife Digital
- Salvador Tech
- Instituto Aliança
- Secretaria de Educação de Pernambuco
- Prefeitura de Araripina
- Prefeitura de Ipojuca
- Movimento Pró-Criança
- Departamento de Casanare, Boyacá, Caqueta, Santander.
- Colegio Femenino de Enseñanza
- Conalep Campeche
- Municipio de Berazategui
- GDG Córdoba Argentina
- Renova +
- Smartly
- Pescar
- Orientar Educativa
- Gobierno de Humahuaca
- Colegio San Agustín
- Colegio Parroquial San Justo
- GP4Tech
- Jala University

We are always looking for strategic partners who share our vision and are committed to providing educational and financial support to talented individuals in underserved communities across Latin America. We welcome more change agents to join us in this mission.
Make sure to fill out all fields and we'll get back to you via email as soon as possible.
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